
Our research is varied, lively and international: research at the faculty is distinguished by numerous funded research projects, PhDs and habilitations as well as our own funding for up-and-coming researchers.

Current research projects at Faculty 10

Read all about our current externally funded research projects.

Close-up shot of a laboratory setup with a red laser

Overview: research at the faculty

Philosophical research at our faculty is as diverse as our Chairs and Professorships: it is hardly possible to summarise the broad spectrum of topics, issues and interests represented. You can find individual research profiles on the pages for the Chairs and Professorships.

Research projects and institutes at Faculty 10

Academic research of philosophical questions is at the heart of numerous research projects, which are funded by national and international institutions. Completed projects can be found in our online archive.

The various inter-faculty and interdisciplinary research centers form a significant element of our research.

Academic training, early-career and women's support

Research is a skill which needs to be learned. Various offerings at the faculty encourage and support up-and-coming researchers from doctoral studies all the way to habilitation. These include, for instance, the Th|Phil Workshop, the LMU Mentoring Program as well as the Postdoc Support Fund.

Academic training and early-career support

Training and supporing qualified researchers is an important matter. We help early-career researchers find a safe path in their research through individually-tailored information, advice and support:

Atrium in the LMU main building

Research centers and groups in Philosophy

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Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy

The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP) is led by three Chairs of the faculty: Logic and Philosophy of Language; Philosophy of Science; and Philosophy and Decision Theory. The teaching and research at the MCMP is funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, LMU Munich and other external foundations and institutions.

The main focus of the MCMP is in mathematical philosophy. Mathematical philosophy can be seen as the application of mathematical methods to philosophical problems. To investigate problems and questions in ethics, political philosophy and even the philosophy of religion, the mathematical methods used range from diverse logics and theories of probability all the way to modelling and simulation techniques adopted from the natural and social sciences. Much of the philosophical work at the MCMP can be characterised as a scientific approach to philosophical problems and questions.

Mathematical philosophy at the MCMP thus sits at the intersection of logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, decision theory and more: just as much attention is given at the MCMP to questions and problems of ethics, political philosophy and philosophy of religion as to physics, neuropsyschology and the social sciences. The research and teaching profile of the MCMP is correspondingly diverse and interdisciplinary.

Munich School for Ancient Philosophy

The main focus of the Munich School for Ancient Philosophy (MUSAΦ) is the study and investigation of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy. As an interdisciplinarily orientated institution, MUSAΦ connects philosophy and classical philology at the LMU. It is the goal of the research institution to unite philosophical and philological perspectives, in order to give students and researchers the ideal conditions for studies and fruitful research.

MUSAΦ was founded in 2010 by Prof. Dr. Christof Rapp, Prof. Dr. Oliver Primavesi (Classical Philology) and Prof. Dr. Peter Adamson. Numerous lecturers and researchers, as well as many visiting scholars, research projects, events and our very own Master and PhD programs are testament to MUSAΦ's reputation as one of the leading research centres for ancient philosophy worldwide.

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Zentrum für Ethik und Philosophie in der Praxis

© Susanne Neumair

The Zentrum für Ethik und Philosophie in der Praxis (ZEPP, Centre for Ethics and Philosophy in Practice) is an inter-faculty research institution at LMU Munich. The goal of ZEPP is to facilitate contributions to and discussion of current societal problems and debates. It intends to bring perspectives from research and teaching in ethics and philosophy into society at large.

Furthermore, ZEPP facilitates inter-faculty connections of various disciplines with research and teaching in practical philosophy, especially ethics. The institution promotes the results of these networking efforts by curating and organising numerous public lecture series, panel discussions and workshops, in order to effectively publicise these connections between academic knowledge and ethical reflection and, last but not least, to complete the "third mission" activties at LMU.

Research Center for Neurophilosophy and Ethics of Neurosciences

The Research Center for Neurophilosophy and Ethics of Neurosciences is a part of the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies and the Munich Center for Neurosciences - Brain and Mind (MCN) at LMU Munich. The focus of research at the institution is the philosophical analysis and interpretation of findings in the cognitive sciences. In this regard, it is the goal of the research cluster to initiate and support interdisciplinary research projects and publications, especially by means of interdisciplinary and inter-faculty PhDs.

Faculty 10 Research Archive

In our research archive, you can find completed research projects from recent years and their results.

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