Archive of research projects and grants
The archive is home to the faculty's completed research projects and grants.
The archive is home to the faculty's completed research projects and grants.
At the core of this research project are relational explanations of morality: in contrast with other theories which link morality with interpersonal mental objectives like the will and motivation, relational theories seem to be able to integrate larger structures like groups or organizations. The aim of the project lies in the investigation of the potential of relational theories, especially in regards to the question of individual and collective responsibility.
This research project is devoted to logic and ontology in the works of Afḍal al-dīn al-Khūnajī and his successors. The aim is to investigate Khūnajī's logic, its ontological implications and its influence on later Islamic logicians.
In view of the development and application of AI-based processes and decisions, concepts such as risk, responsibility and error must be re-evaluated. This research project will, first and foremost, create a vocabulary for ethical concepts which can be applied to AI systems. Furthermore, risk-ethical problems will be illustrated using case studies.
While everything seemingly revolves around personal goods in intimate relationships, this project attempts to produce a perspective on the "bads" of personal relationships. The project thus engages with the value and benefits of personal relationships as well as current difficulties faced by moral theories.
This project focuses on the question of the role of numbers in social policy decisions. It examines the general view that the political decision-making process requires consequentialist approaches.
This research project brings into focus the thesis that the interpersonal domain of morality can be understood as a relational domain: interpersonal morality consists of directed obligations between the demands of individual people, from which the obligations derive their normative force.
Full title: Realities of Logic? Attempting a New Approach to Hegel's Science of Logic
In the research project The Therapeutic Game: The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy Explained within the Context of Philosophy of Language, principal investigator Dr. Stefan Rinner investigates the effects of psychotherapeutic practice from the perspective of philosophy of language.
Full title: Normative vs. Descriptive Accounts in the Philosophy and Psychology of Reasoning and Argumentation: Tension or Productive Interplay?