Postdoc Support Fund
The Postdoc Support Fund supports postdoctoral researchers in various areas: international recruitment, balance between academic career and family, networking, and mobility, as well as funding for publications.
The Postdoc Support Fund supports postdoctoral researchers in various areas: international recruitment, balance between academic career and family, networking, and mobility, as well as funding for publications.
The goal of the program is to support postdocs as they build competitive research profiles, while also respecting a balance between academic research and family life. At the same time, early-career researchers are given access to additional networking opportunities and career paths, both within and outside academia.
LMU supports postdoctoral researchers in the following four areas:
Inviting visiting researchers from institutions outside of Germany
Relief from personal research activities and/or after parental leave or periods of caring for relatives
Research stays by postdocs of the faculty
Open Access publications by postdocs of the faculty
The deadlines for applications in each calendar year are:
Please submit your application via the online portal Postdoc Support Fund
After a successful initial review, all applications are placed before the committee on the next deadline day and decided individually. The applicable deadline day depends on the date of submission in the application tool.
The decision criteria for applications are, first, the added value which the application is expected to create for Faculty 10, and also, to what extent the application serves the four support areas named above. Finally, the ratio between the necessary financial investment and the expected return for the applicant and the faculty is evaluated.
You can apply for support under several measures at the same time. However, you will most likely only be granted support under one measure at a time. The committee can accept an application in full or in part, if only parts of the application are deemed suitable for funding.
If you have questions or requests, you can contact the members of the committe:
The Postdoc Support Fund funded Dr. Thomas Oehl's research project "Realities of Logic? Attempting a New Approach to Hegel's Science of Logic" between April and September 2023.
The aim of the project was to provide a new perspective on a central, yet rarely discussed dilemma: on the one hand, Hegel's Science of Logic follows the tradition of formal logic; on the other hand, his logic contains concepts which seem to contradict formal logic. You can find the complete abstract on the project's website.
The funding from the Postdoc Support Fund, apart from financing the project, also enabled a research stay and two guest lectures by Dr. Tereza Matějčková (Prague) at LMU Munich in June 2023 as well as the lecture "Hegels Logik der Bewährung" by Dr. Thomas Oehl at the International Hegel Congress in Stuttgart in June 2023.