Chair of Philosophy of Science

Prof. Dr. Stephan Hartmann

About the Chair of Philosophy of Science

The members of our Chair research and teach in the area of philosophy of science. The task of philosophy of science is to pose and answer philosophical questions with regard to the sciences.

We aim to represent philosophy of science in its full breadth and diversity, and in collaboration with scientists from other disciplines. All members of our Chair are members of the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP).


News from the Chair on the MCMP website.

MCMP website


Events at the Chair on the MCMP website.

MCMP website

The Chair's teaching and research at the MCMP

Weekly Talks

We invite you to our weekly philosophy talks at the MCMP.

MCMP website

Chair and Secretary

Prof. Dr. Stephan Hartmann

Chair, Co-director of the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy

Junyan Feng, M.A.


Contact and address

Postal address

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie und Religionswissenschaft
Lehrstuhl für Wissenschaftstheorie
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München

Secretary's office/Address for visitors

Ludwigstraße 31/I
Room 132 (registration at the administration office)
80539 München

View into the atrium of the LMU main buidling

Staff at the Chair of Philosophy of Science

Staff Directory