Th|Phil Workshop - routes into current research

The Th|Phil Workshop offers students a window into doctoral studies and academic practice. Interested students can register for the annual masterclass and talks. Since 2021, the project has been organized for the benefit of young researchers by the Chair of Theoretical Philosophy and funded by the Studienzuschusskommission and Faculty 10's Mentoring Program.

Program for the promotion of young talent: Goals and structure of the Th|Phil workshop

The annual Th|Phil Workshop is a program for the promotion of young researchers and aims to prepare students of (theoretical) philosophy for the transition from undergraduate to doctoral studies and for entering the active research discourse.

The workshop aims to provide information on thematic specialization during the course of studies as well as planning and financing the doctorate, to draw attention to the peculiarities and structural difficulties of an academic career and to provide initial insights and practice in research. In the context of gender equality, the workshop also aims to actively promote women.

The program consists of

  • a master class in which a renowned philosopher presents and discusses a current research project, and

  • a series of informative lectures in which (early career) researchers report on various aspects and experiences of the doctoral phase.

The program is rounded off by an informal discussion and Q&A session, in which the invited professor reports on her academic career, and personal advice for the students from the (junior) academics in small group discussions.

  • There are no current news available at the moment.