Prof. Dr. Christof Rapp
Office address:
Leopoldstr. 11b / 4. Stock
Room Anmeldung im Sekretariat, Raum 429
80802 Munich
Office hours:
During the semester:
By appointment
Postal address:
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 Munich

Christof Rapp is Chair of Ancient Philosophy and co-director of the Munich School of Ancient Philosophy (MUSAΦ). Moreover, he is currently director of the LMU Center for Advanced Studies (CAS). His field is the philosophy of the ancient world; in particular, he teaches and researches Aristotle, pre-Socratic, Epicurean and Stoic philosophy, as well as ancient metaphysics, moral psychology and argumentation theory. Other areas of expertise include ancient rhetoric, biology and political theory. On the side, he works on the methodology of ancient philosophy and history of philosophy, and examines the influence of ancient philosophy on present-day debates.
Prof. Rapp's current courses can be found on LSF.
If you wish to write a thesis (BA or MA) under Prof. Rapp's supervision, please contact him by e-mail, including a few sentences outlining the planned thesis topic, in order to arrange an appointment.
Editorial Boards/Advisory Boards: Metaphysica, Peitho. Examina Antiqua, Phronesis, Rhizomata, Revue Philosophie ancienne, Ancient Philosophical Inquiry, Dialogoi: Ancient Philosophy Today, u.a.