Staff directory

Chair of Philosophy of Science (Prof. Dr. Stephan Hartmann)

View into the atrium of the LMU main buidling

Chair and Professors

Prof. Dr. Stephan Hartmann

Chair, Co-director of the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy

apl. Prof. Dr. Alexander Reutlinger

Akademischer Oberrat (a.L.)


Junyan Feng, M.A.


Research Associates

Dr. Idit Chikurel

Research Associate

Dr. David Colaco

Research Associate

Dr. John Dougherty

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Ina Jäntgen

Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Martin King

Research Associate

PD Dr. habil. Jürgen Landes

Research Associate

Dr. Laurie Letertre

MSCA Fellow, Research Associate

Dr. Luis Lopez

Research Associate

Dr. Alice Murphy

Research Associate

Dr. Ignacio Ojea Quintana

Research Associate

Dr. Sébastien Rivat

Research Associate

Dr. Tom Sterkenburg

Emmy Noether Group Leader

Dr. Borut Trpin

Research Associate

Dr. Gabriel Târziu

MSCA Fellow, Research Associate

Dr. Naftali Weinberger

Research Associate

Doctoral Fellows

Leon Assaad

Doctoral Fellow

Johannes Bommes, M.Sc.

Doctoral Fellow

Rafael Fuchs

Doctoral Fellow

Johannes Leonhard Keller, M.A.

Doctoral Fellow

Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Kleiner

GSN Doctoral Fellow

Killian Francis McGrath, M.Phil, M.Mus.

Doctoral Fellow, Lecturer

Katia Parshina, M.Sc.

Doctoral Fellow

Rolf Pfister, M.A., Dipl. sc. pol. Univ.

Doctoral Fellow

Elena Rabinoff

Doctoral Fellow

Lilian von Bressensdorf

Doctoral Fellow

Private Lecturers

PD Dr. rer. nat. Dr. phil. Thomas Brückner

Private Lecturer

PD Dr. Andreas Edmüller

Private Lecturer

PD Dr. Manfred Harth

Private Lecturer

PD. Dr. Dr. Raphael Scholl

Private Lecturer


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Balzer

Professor Emeritus

Prof. Dr. Carlos Ulises Moulines
Prof. Dr. Matthias Schirn

Academic Visitors

Dr. Lennart Ackermans

AvH Research Fellow

Dr. Javier Anta

AvH Research Fellow

Dr. Silvia Milano

Humboldt Fellow
