The Bachelor program in Philosophy (Philosophy major) offered at LMU Munich introduces students to fundamental philosophical methods and familiarises students with central problems and viewpoints from across philosophy. Students who successfully complete the program, which standardly lasts six semesters, are awarded the qualification "Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)". The program teaches, in particular:
- the ability to critically discuss philosophical questions, and to analyze and evaluate complex arguments;
- the ability to formalize facts and problems from a logical point of view;
- the development of hermeneutical skills: how to engage critically with sources, and interpret philosophical texts in their historical and systemic situation, taking into account the current state of research;
- the ability to synthesize and organize philosophical positions and methods into larger contexts, as well as the transfer of analytical methods to new problems within particular philosophical approaches and to problems in non-philosophical disciplines.
The major in Philosophy, which makes up two thirds (120 ECTS) of the program, is distinguished by a balanced proportion of compulsory basic modules, on the one hand, and in-depth elective modules, on the other, as well as a thorough involvement of students in the seminar courses. Usually, no more than 20 students take part in a single seminar. This promotes an atmosphere of concentrated discussion, the opportunity for all those interested to take part in a joint investigation of a topic or a text, thorough supervision of presentations and essays, as well as opportunities for long-lasting learning.
Particular emphasis is placed on oral presentations and the independent preparation of short and long academic texts on set and chosen topics. In the first four semesters, the foundations of academic work, as well as various core areas of philosophy (logic, philosophy of science, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of language, ethics, political philosophy, history of pre-modern and modern philosophy), are taught.
From the second semester onwards, the basic instruction is complemented with in-depth seminars, where students have a wide range of choices and opportunities for specialization. In this way, students acquire solid fundamental knowledge and a broad overview in the areas of theoretical philosophy, practical philosophy and history of philosophy, as well as deeper, more specialized knowledge in selected sub-fields.
Furthermore, (optional) seminars in English are offered every semester, so that the international outlook which is fostered at the faculty is already evident at the Bachelor level (as it is later in the Master program).
This degree program supports the initiative and extraordinary engagement of students through a study abroad module or a double major module in the fifth semester, which can be chosen as an alternative to specialisation in a historical or systematic topic. The research module and the BA thesis (Bachelorarbeit), which must be presented in an advanced seminar as well as defended in a disputation, offer students in their sixth semester a chance to develop their own preferences and skills.