Assessments, credit transfers and BAföG certificates

From the first semester onwards, students undergo assessments during the course of their studies. ECTS credits (academic credits) are awarded on the basis of passed assessments. If all the necessary ECTS credits are obtained on time in the major and minor subject, the degree program has been successfuly completed, and an academic degree is awarded.
Assessments include not only examinations in lecture courses, but also all term papers and other graded work (graded presentations, etc.) in seminar courses, among other things. You can see which assessments you have to take in the course of your program in the plan of study (in short form), as well as in full, official detail in the Examination and Study Regulations (Prüfungs- und Studienordnung, especially the appendix "Anlage 2") applicable to you. If several options for assessment are listed, the teaching staff or the examiners decide whether to dictate a single kind of assessment for all course participants or let everyone choose their own preferred form.
In every semester, you must register for the assessments linked to the Philosophy courses which you want to complete within a standardised registration period via the LSF system. You will be reminded of the dates of the registration period every semester by an e-mail which goes to your address. You can also find the dates of the registration period on the homepage of the relevant course catalogue as well as on the corresponding webpage of the Examination Office (Prüfungsamt).
Rules regarding exam re-takes
With the exception of the BA thesis and the associated disputation in the Bachelor major in Philosophy (which can only be repeated once), all assessments in the Bachelor major and minor in Philosophy can be repeated as many times as you need to pass (within the maximum program duration of nine semesters). Moreover, in the Bachelor minor in Philosophy, a numerically graded assessment which you passed can be taken again once, on the next regular examination date, in order to improve your grade.
In the Bachelor major in Philosophy, there is no similar opportunity to improve your grade. As an alternative, a Best-of Rule applies to the calculation of the final grade for the major: the three lowest (passing) grades in the modules P 2 through P 8 and the two lowest (passing) grades in the seminar modules (WP 1 through 11 and P 9) are not taken into account.
Recipients of BAföG payments are required to prove to the BAföG office after a certain semester (typically after the fourth semester) whether they have achieved the "usual performance" in the Bachelor major or minor in Philosophy (or not). The "usual performance" is determined by the standard program duration and the other target requirements in the Examination and Study Regulations (Prüfungs- und Studienordnung). These specify that, in the Bachelor major in Philosophy, 18 ECTS credits should be earned each semester in the first five semesters, and in the Bachelor minor in Philosophy (60 ECTS), 12 ECTS credits should be earned each semester; in the 30 ECTS minor program, it is 6 ECTS credits per semester. This means that the Bachelor minor is normally completed after five semesters.
If you would like to use assessment and study credits which you already earned before the start of your Bachelor studies in Philosophy at LMU and put them towards the Bachelor degree, you must submit appropriate evidence to Dr. Wyrwich by the end of your first semester at LMU at latest. If you earn credits in another institution during your Bachelor studies in Philosophy at LMU, you must submit appropriate evidence at latest in the semester immediately after the semester in which you earned those credits.