Available minor subjects for the Bachelor in Philosophy (Philosophy major)

Philosophy can only be studied as the major subject of a Bachelor degree in combination with a minor subject, which has to be specified at enrollment. You can choose from the following Bachelor minor subjects (60 ECTS credits).

Limits on place numbers and registration procedures for minor subjects

Please note: some minor subjects enforce a limit on place numbers or carry out study orientation or pre-registration procedures, so that in certain circumstances a separate application (by 15 July, assuming enrollment in the following winter semester) must be submitted.

It is therefore recommended that you familiarize yourself ahead of time with the situation in your desired minor subject. Clicking on a minor subject takes you to further information. Questions about minor subjects (and about application procedures etc.) should be directed either to the academic advisors (Fachstudienberatung) for the relevant minor subject or alternatively to the Central Student Advisory Office of LMU.

Available minor subjects

Minor subjectNotes
Antike und Orient
Deutsch als FremdspracheThis minor leads to schedule clashes with the major and to unavoidable deviations from the recommended standard plan of study (enrollment is at your own risk of deviation from the standard course of study)
Evangelische Theologie
Katholische Theologie
Künstliche IntelligenzThis minor leads to schedule clashes with the major and to unavoidable deviations from the recommended standard plan of study (enrollment is at your own risk of deviation from the standard course of study)
Kunst, Musik, Theater
MathematikThis minor leads to schedule clashes with the major and to unavoidable deviations from the recommended standard plan of study (enrollment is at your own risk of deviation from the standard course of study)
Orthodox TheologyThis minor leads to schedule clashes with the major and to unavoidable deviations from the recommended standard plan of study (enrollment is at your own risk of deviation from the standard course of study)
Pädogogik / Bildungswissenschaft
Physik für den Bachelorstudiengang PhilosophieThis minor is designed for students who are majoring in BA Physics (180 ECTS) in parallel with Philosophy (i.e. double major students), or have already completed a major in Physics. If you are interested in this minor, you should in any case contact the academic advirsors in Physics before you take up your studies.
SkandinavistikThis minor leads to schedule clashes with the major and to unavoidable deviations from the recommended standard plan of study (enrollment is at your own risk of deviation from the standard course of study)
Sprache, Literatur, Kultur
Statistik und Data ScienceThis minor leads to schedule clashes with the major and to unavoidable deviations from the recommended standard plan of study (enrollment is at your own risk of deviation from the standard course of study)
Vergleichende Kultur- und Religionswissenschaft