Studying abroad: the Erasmus program at Faculty 10

The Erasmus program was launched by the EU in 1987 to encourage the mobility of students within Europe. Today, it is a part of the "Lifelong Learning Programme" of the EU. Under this program, studies and internships in other European countries can be funded.

Large auditorium filled with students during a lecture

Contacts and further information about the Erasmus program at Faculty 10

Partnership agreements exist between all faculties at LMU and over 270 universities in all EU countries, Switzerland, and countries in the European Economic Area (EEA).

The program representatives at the LMU maintain contact with these universities and are responsible for the selection of students, the contact with the partner university and the awarding of scholarships.

If you are interested in studying abroad with the Erasmus program, you are welcome to contact the team of the faculty's Erasmus representative, Prof. Dr. Peter Adamson, at the following e-mail address:

Further information