Student advisors and degree program coordinators

The academic advisors and degree program coordinators advise and support students of Faculty 10 on many questions and concerns arising in their studies.

Basic information about studying at LMU Munich, including a contact form for online questions, can be found on the homepage of the University's Central Student Advisory Office.

General academic advisors for degree programs at Faculty 10

You can, and indeed should, seek out the general academic advisors for the degree programs at Faculty 10 if you have a query in connection with one of the following areas:

  • General questions about academic study of Philosophy or Religious Studies (requirements, chances, risks)
  • Is a program in Philosophy or Religious Studies right for me? - initial considerations
  • Career options and options for further study
  • Questions about registering for courses, creating a timetable and planning studies. Tips for choosing specific seminars.
  • Questions about the examination and general study regulations for BA and Master programs
  • Academic problems (e.g. [how] can I still graduate from my program?)
  • Recognition/confirmation of academic achievements concerning the following programs: Bachelor in Philosophy (major and minor subject), Bachelor in Religious Studies, Master in Philosophy, philosophy courses in the Master Profile Area, and the Master in Religious and Cultural Studies
  • Advice on appropriate examiners and supervisors
  • Semester credit transfer certificates (Semesteranrechnungsbescheide), changing programs to major or minor in Philosophy, or to major in Religious Studies, or to minor in Comparative Cultural and Religious Studies
  • Proof of the relevance of a planned internship/placement for your studies (if you would like to request a leave of absence [Beurlaubung] from the Office of the Registrar)
  • BAFöG, in relation to the subject of Philosophy or Religious Studies

Academic advisors by degree program

Academic advisor for Philosophy (BA, MA) and Profilbereich

Thomas Wyrwich
Dr. Thomas Wyrwich

Student advisor and Philosophy degree program coordinator

Academic advisor for Religious Studies (BA, MA)

Elke Dünisch, Dipl. Ing., M.A. is your point of contact for the Bachelor in Religious Studies, the Master in Religious and Cultural Studies as well as the Bachelor Minor in Comparative Cultural and Religious Studies.

Elke Dünisch, Dipl. Ing., M.A.

Student advisor and degree program coordinator in Religious Studies

Academic advisors for the Lehramt specialization in Philosophy/Ethics

Dr. André Chapuis und Dr. Johannes Abel are your points of contact for the Lehramt specialization in Philosophy/Ethics.

Dr. André Chapuis

Lehramt Specialization in Philosophy/Ethics Program Coordinator

Dr. Johannes Abel

Lehramt Specialization in Philosophy/Ethics Program Coordinator

Academic advisor for the Master in Ancient Philosophy

Dr. Andreas Anagnostopoulos is your point of contact for the Master in Ancient Philosophy.

Dr. Andreas Anagnostopoulos

Akademischer Rat

Send an email

+49 89 2180-72173

+49 89 2180-9972162

Academic advisors for the Master in Logic and Philosophy of Science

PD Dr. Alexander Reutlinger and Dr. Norbert Gratzl are your points of contact for the Master in Logic and Philosophy of Science.

apl. Prof. Dr. Alexander Reutlinger

Akademischer Oberrat (a.L.)

Dr. Norbert Gratzl

Akademischer Rat (a.L.)

Academic advisor for the Master in Theoretical Philosophy

Dr. Thomas Oehl is your point of contact for the Master in Theoretical Philosophy.

Dr. Thomas Oehl

On paternity leave in the 2024/25 academic year

Academic advisor for the Executive Master in Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Dr. Gloria Mähringer is your point of contact for the Executive Master in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.

Dr. Gloria Mähringer

Research Assistant