Pre-registration for the major and minor in Philosophy

Several people on front of a fountain on a square

It is not possible to begin the BA in Philosophy at LMU in the Summer Semester.The next pre-registration opportunity will be before the winter semester 2025/26 (available from mid-May 2025).

Pre-registration at a glance

The compulsory pre-registration procedure, which includes a logical and textual comprehension test (with no academic consequences), is neither a qualification test, nor a "numerus clausus". Faculty 10 merely wishes to ensure that future Bachelor students in Philosophy have faced "real" original philosophical texts, or excerpts thereof (which they will then have to master in book length during their studies!), at least once before they begin their studies, in view of the frequent misconceptions regarding the difficulty and abstraction level of a Philosophy program. Furthermore, the faculty would like to know as early as possible how many new Bachelor students they will welcome in the coming Winter Semester.

There is, however, no limit on place numbers or selection criteria in Philosophy at Bachelor level. Anyone who has a school leavers' certificate in the form of an allgemeine Hochschulreife and fulfils the other formal requirements (health insurance, entitlement to study at a German university, etc.) can enrol in Philosophy as a major or minor subject (or both*) after pre-registering - regardless of how the test goes, which is only intended for students to assess their own abilities.

* applies only in the case of a double major, in which Philosophy is the major subject in one program and the minor subject in the other.

How the procedure goes

First, you must register with your personal details. You then receive an automatically generated confirmation e-mail from the system, which allows you to activate your account. After you have done the self-test on the pre-registration platform and sent it off at the end, you receive an e-mail with guidance on registration (Immatrikulation) as a PDF attachment as well as a link which takes you to your pre-registration certificate (a PDF including your test result), which you need for enrollment. Please also note the following:

  • In some browsers, there can be a problem with the default setting of the language to German (occasionally, the default is English). You can change the language any time in the service bar at the bottom.
  • The pre-registration platform for the Philosophy Bachelor programs is, for technical reasons, part of the LMU infrastructure which is also used for qualification procedures in general. Don't be disturbed if you find yourself on a page which mentions "Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren" (or EFV, i.e. qualification procedure) or "Bewerbung" (such as in "Bewerberdaten", i.e. applicant data). Pre-registration for the Bachelor programs in Philosophy is not an application which leads to a selection process or a qualification test; it is purely pre-registration!

More tips

  • For Bildungsinländer/-innen (students who have a German higher education entrance qualification), the enrollment deadlines advertised by the Office of the University Registrar at LMU apply. International applicants receive an enrollment deadline along with their letter of acceptance (Zulassungsbescheid) from the LMU International Office.
  • A successful pre-registration does not oblige you to enrol to study Philosophy. The following rule still applies: if you want to begin a Bachelor program in Philosophy at LMU in the next Winter Semester, you must have pre-registered in time. This means that, if you think you might want to study Philosophy, but are not yet sure, you should still pre-register.
  • The pre-registration requirement also applies to LMU students who are already enrolled who want to change their program to a Bachelor major or minor in Philosophy, or who want to enrol in these programs in addition to their current program.
  • Those who wish to transfer into a higher semester of the Bachelor major or minor in Philosophy on the basis of academic credits already achieved in a Philosophy program at another university do not have to pre-register. They should therefore contact the degree program coordinator by 1 September 2025 at the latest, or, in the case of international students who are not Bildungsinländer/-innen, by 15 June 2025.
  • The deadline for pre-registration (for the winter semester 2025/26) is 15 July 2025.
  • Applicants from outside Germany, who are interested in studying Philosophy at Bachelor level but do not count as German Bildungsinländer/-innen, must also, in addition to the pre-registration procedure, submit a separate application for admission to the LMU International Office by 15 July 2025.

Click to go to the online pre-registration platform.

Information about the subject of Philosophy for prospective students can be found on this page.

FAQs about the pre-registration procedure

Do I also have to register or apply via a Germany-wide application portal for the LMU Bachelor program in Philosophy?

No, that is not necessary for the BA major in Philosophy, nor for the BA minor. (Just keep in mind that you have to apply centrally for certain minor subjects available for the Bachelor in Philosophy which have limits on place numbers.)

I will not have my Abitur certificate at the time of pre-registration, but I will get it in the following weeks or months. Can I still pre-register?

Yes, you can and you must, if you want to enrol. During pre-registration with the faculty, you do not have to submit proof of a school-leavers' certificate. That is only necessary during registration (Immatrikulation) with the Office of the University Registrar.

Do I have to send a copy of my Abitur, my CV or anything else to the department of Philosophy or to the faculty by post as part of the pre-registration procedure?


As part of creating an account for the pre-registration procedure, I have to give my postal address. Should I let the Department of Philosophy know if my address changes?

No! You only have to give an up-to-date address in future to the Office of the University Registrar after you enrol.

I already pre-registered last year, but I did not enrol. Do I still have to pre-register again and complete the test, or is my pre-registration from last year still valid?

No, your "old" pre-registration is no longer valid. You have to pre-register and take the self-test again. Pre-registration is only ever valid for the Winter Semester in which enrollment will next take place.

I already created an account on the platform with my data last year and I want to pre-register again for the coming winter semester. Can I do this with the e-mail address I used last year?

Yes, you can. Your e-mail address and account are usually still saved. If you have forgotten the password you used, you can click on "Passwort vergessen?" on the login page.

Can I apply or pre-register for other degree programs (at LMU or at other universities as well) in parallel with my pre-registration for the Bachelor in Philosophy at LMU?


Your point of contact for questions about pre-registration

Name Title Email Tel Position
Wyrwich, Thomas Dr. +49 89 2180-2099 Student advisor and Philosophy degree program coordinator