Master in Ancient Philosophy

The Master in Ancient Philosophy at LMU offers students the chance to study ancient philosophy close to the forefront of research at one of the most renowned German universities, and to aim towards their own research goals - in dialog with and under the direct supervision of leading lights in the discipline - in their MA thesis.


The Master program in Ancient Philosophy offers rigorous instruction in both the philological and philosophical aspects needed to engage successfully with ancient philosophical texts; moreover, it is characterized by the intensive mentoring of every student throughout the entire course of study. Our faculty offers expertise ranging over the whole spectrum of ancient Greek and Roman philosophy - from the pre-Socratics to the classical and Hellenistic periods and beyond into late antiquity - as well as its reception in medieval, modern and contemporary philosophy. The faculty puts particular emphasis on acquainting the students with their own research. Moreover, students benefit from the presence of the larger community of ancient philosophy researchers at the Munich School of Ancient Philosophy, as well as the strengths of the LMU’s world leading departments of Philosophy and Classics. Many of our graduates have been admitted to top Ph.D. programs around the world.

Students of the Master program spend much of the first three semesters on elective modules covering different periods, for which the students may choose among a variety of seminars and other classes. In the third semester, an initial sketch and framework for their MA thesis is developed, while the fourth semester is devoted to completing the thesis. At every stage of this process, students receive intensive supervision and have the opportunity to present their work to faculty and their fellow students.


Eligibility for the program requires a completed university degree of at least three years, with a total grade corresponding to at least “gut” (2,3) in the German system, and a basic knowledge of ancient Greek (the language requirement can also be completed concurrently). The deadline for applications for the Winter Semester 2025/26 is 15 July 2025.

International applicants must, in addition, and after receiving admission to the program through the application described here, apply to the International Office of the LMU for permission to study at the LMU by 15 July 2025. For this reason, we urge them to apply to for the Master program by 15 June 2025.
In order to apply, the following documents should be submitted:

  1. A curriculum vitae (including date and place of birth as well as a current address).
  2. A copy of the university diploma; in case the diploma is not yet available at the time of application, a transcript of records showing completion of the equivalent of 150 ECTS points (roughly five semesters), and documenting all coursework completed thus far.
  3. Proof of knowledge of English at the B2 level (intermediate) as well as of ancient Greek at the B1 level (these can, if necessary, be submitted within the first year of studies).
  4. A sample essay written by the applicant (e.g., for a seminar) in one of the thematic areas listed below.

Documents should be submitted by email or post to:

Andreas Anagnostopoulos
LS III Philosophie
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 München

Decisions about admission to the course of study are normally made within a couple of weeks, and at the latest by 1 August 2025.

Thematic areas: Metaphysics and Ontology; Natural Philosophy and Science; Soul, Mind and Life; Epistemology, Logic and Argumentation Theory; Ethics and Moral Philosophy; Political Philosophy; Philosophy, literature and other forms of discourse; Aesthetic theory; Textual Criticism and Textual Transmission

Course of study

1. Semester/WiSe (30 CP, 10 SWS)
P 1/I: Forschungsfragen der Antiken Philosophie (2 SWS, 6 CP)
Two of the following elective modules:
WP 1: Frühere Griechische Philosophie I (4 SWS, 12, CP); WP 2: Aristoteles (4 SWS, 12, CP); WP 5: Ergänzende Kompetenzbildung in systematischen Gebieten der Philosophie (4 SWS, 12, CP); WP 7: Frühere Griechische Philosophie II (4 SWS, 12, CP); WP 8: Spätere Antike Philosophie II (4 SWS, 12, CP)
2. Semester/SoSe (30 CP, 10-12 SWS)
P 1/II: Forschungsfragen der Antiken Philosophie (2 SWS, 6 CP)
Two of the following elective modules:
WP 3: Spätere Antike Philosophie I (4 SWS, 12 CP); WP 4: Platon (4 SWS, 12, CP); WP 5: Ergänzende Kompetenzbildung in systematischen Gebieten der Philosophie (4 SWS, 12, CP); WP 6: Griechische Philosophie und Rhetorik (6 SWS, 12, CP). (You may not take a module you already took in a previous semester.)
3. Semester/WiSe (30 CP, 8 SWS)
P 2/I: Projektpräsentation und Feedback (2 SWS, 6 CP)
P 3: Vorbereitung der Masterarbeit (2 SWS, 12 CP)
One of the following elective modules:
WP 1: Frühere Griechische Philosophie I (4 SWS, 12, CP); WP 2: Aristoteles (4 SWS, 12, CP); WP 5: Ergänzende Kompetenzbildung in systematischen Gebieten der Philosophie (4 SWS, 12, CP); WP 7: Frühere Griechische Philosophie II (4 SWS, 12, CP); WP 8: Spätere Antike Philosophie II (4 SWS, 12, CP). (You may not take a module you already took in a previous semester.)
4. Semester/SoSe (30 CP, 2 SWS)
P 2/II: Projektpräsentation und Feedback (2 SWS, 6 CP)
P 4: Abschlussmodul (24 CP)

List of modules

Elective modules:

Each module can be completed either by writing a term paper for a Master seminar and attending a Master exercise course (Mastersübung), or by writing four essays for an essay course with a tutorial (Essaykurs mit Tutorium).

  • WP 1: Frühere Griechische Philosophie I (4 SWS, 12 CP);
  • WP 2: Aristoteles (4 SWS, 12 CP);
  • WP 3: Spätere Antike Philosophie I (4 SWS, 12 CP);
  • WP 4: Platon (4 SWS, 12 CP);
  • WP 5: Ergänzende Kompetenzbildung in systematischen Gebieten der Philosophie (4 SWS, 12 CP);
  • WP 6: Griechische Philosophie und Rhetorik (6 SWS, 12 CP).
  • WP 7: Frühere Griechische Philosophie II (4 SWS, 12 CP);
  • WP 8: Spätere Antike Philosophie II (4 SWS, 12 CP).

Compulsory modules:

P1-2 require participation in a tutorial or colloquium for MA students; P3-4 consist in researching and writing the MA thesis.

  • P 1/I: Forschungsfragen der Antiken Philosophie (2 SWS, 6 CP)
  • P 1/II: Forschungsfragen der Antiken Philosophie (2 SWS, 6 CP)
  • P 2/I: Projektpräsentation und Feedback (2 SWS, 6 CP)
  • P 2/II: Projektpräsentation und Feedback (2 SWS, 6 CP)
  • P 3: Vorbereitung der Masterarbeit (2 SWS, 12 CP)
  • P 4: Abschlussmodul (24 CP)