Lehramt specialization in Philosophy/Ethics

All Lehramt students and teachers can specialize in the subjects "Philosophy/Ethics" or "Ethics" at LMU, whether they are still working towards a teaching qualification or have already graduated. This allows them to acquire the skills needed to deliver Ethics and Philosophy lessons, and therefore to add to their range of subjects and increase their chances of employment.
The examinations are regulated by the LPO I (2008, updated 2022).
There is no separate minimum or maximum program duration for "Philosophy/Ethics" or "Ethics". The specialization automatically extends the standard program duration by two semesters.
A prerequisite for registration for the first Staatsexamen according to LPO I is a universitärer Leistungsnachweis "ULN" (record of academic attainment at university), which consists of a number of compulsory and elective module certificates. You will find further details for the LA GY as well as for other types of Lehramt study below.
The academic admissions criteria specified in the LPO I deliberately do not correspond exactly with the content required for the examinations; that is, the ULN should also explicitly include things which are not tested by the Staatsexamen. In preparation for the exams in the first Staatsexamen, it is therefore recommended that you attend other courses; independent study and deepening your knowledge in particular areas are essential.
P Modul 1: Philosophische Ethik
P 1.1 Lecture course + tutorial: Praktische Philosophie 6 ECTS
P 1.2 Online seminar: Ethisches Argumentieren 6 ECTS
P Modul 2: Religionsphilosophie (mind. 8 ECTS)
P 2.1 Themen der Religionsphilosophie I
P 2.2 Themen der Religionsphilosophie II
P Modul 3: Fachdidaktik Philosophie/Ethik
P 3.1 Seminar: Fachdidaktik Philosophie/Ethik 6 ECTS
WP Modul 5: Philosophiegeschichte
WP 5.1 Lecture course + tutorial: Philosophiegeschichte 6 ECTS
WP 5.2 Seminar: Philosophiegeschichte 6 ECTS
WP Modul 6: Vertiefung Philosophische Ethik
WP 6.1 Lecture course: Philosophische Ethik 6 ECTS
WP 6.2 Seminar: Philosophische Ethik 6 ECTS
WP Modul 7: Angewandte Ethik
WP 7.1 Lecture course: Angewandte Ethik 6 ECTS
WP 7.2 Seminar: Angewandte Ethik 6 ECTS
WP Modul 8: Sozial-/Rechts-/ Politische Philosophie
WP 8.1 Lecture course: Sozial-/Rechts-/ Politische Philosophie 6 ECTS
WP 8.2 Seminar: Sozial-/Rechts-/ Politische Philosophie 6 ECTS
WP Modul 9: Vertiefung Theoretische Philosophie
WP 9.1 Lecture course + tutorial: Theoretische Philosophie 6 ECTS
WP 9.2 Seminar: Schwerpunkt Theoretische Philosophie 6 ECTS
WP Modul 10: Vertiefung Fachdidaktik Philosophie/Ethik
WP 10.1 Seminar: Theoretische Vertiefung philosophiedidaktischer Themen 3 ECTS
P Modul 1: Philosophische Ethik
P 1.1 Lecture course + tutorial: Praktische Philosophie 6 ECTS
P 1.2 Online seminar: Ethisches Argumentieren 6 ECTS
P Modul 2: Religionsphilosophie (at least 10 ECTS)
P 2.1 Themen der Religionsphilosophie I
P 2.2 Themen der Religionsphilosophie II
P Modul 3: Fachdidaktik Philosophie/Ethik
P 3.1 Seminar: Fachdidaktik Philosophie/Ethik 6 ECTS
P Modul 4: Theoretische Philosophie
P 4.1 Seminar: Schwerpunkt Theoretische Philosophie 6 ECTS
WP Modul 5: Philosophiegeschichte
WP 5.1 Lecture course + tutorial: Philosophiegeschichte 6 ECTS
WP 5.2 Seminar: Philosophiegeschichte 6 ECTS
WP Modul 6: Vertiefung Philosophische Ethik
WP 6.1 Lecture course: Philosophische Ethik 6 ECTS
WP 6.2 Seminar: Philosophische Ethik 6 ECTS
WP Modul 7: Angewandte Ethik
WP 7.1 Lecture course: Angewandte Ethik 6 ECTS
WP 7.2 Seminar: Angewandte Ethik 6 ECTS
WP Modul 8: Sozial-/Rechts-/ Politische Philosophie
WP 8.1 Lecture course + tutorial: Sozial-/Rechts-/ Politische Philosophie 6 ECTS
WP 8.2 Seminar: Sozial-/Rechts-/ Politische Philosophie 6 ECTS
WP Modul 9: Vertiefung Theoretische Philosophie
WP 9.1 Lecture course + tutorial: Theoretische Philosophie 6 ECTS
WP 9.2 Seminar: Schwerpunkt Theoretische Philosophie 6 ECTS
WP Modul 10: Vertiefung Fachdidaktik Philosophie/Ethik
WP 10.1 Seminar: Theoretische Vertiefung philosophiedidaktischer Themen 3 ECTS
In the Philosophy/Ethics specialization, academic attainment is not recorded in LSF and there is no Transcript of Records. Instead, lecturers record academic attainment by means of so-called module certificates (Modulscheine). You can download a blank module certificate form from the downloads area below, fill it in digitally and hand it to the lecturer, who will stamp and sign it.
In order to be admitted to the first Staatsexamen, you must apply to the degree prorgam coordinator for a certificate confirming that you have the ULN. For this purpose, you should use the form Antrag auf Ausstellung des universitären Leistungsnachweises (PDF, 459 KB). The application form does not just make the issuing process easier, it also serves as a helpful instrument for planning your studies. By putting crosses next to modules you have already completed, you have an overview of the module certificates you have already earned and those which still need to be obtained. To get a certificate made, arrange an appointment with the degree program coordinator and bring the filled-out application form to the appointment, as well as all module certificates (originals and copies).
Further information about the Staatsexamen can be found in the following links.
Lehramt Specialization in Philosophy/Ethics Program Coordinator
You can also find answers to frequently asked questions at FAQ zum Studium und Staatsexamen (in German).
The name of the specialization depends on the type of school which the student is training for. Lehramt Gymnasium students follow the "Philosophy/Ethics (in-depth)" program. Students for all other kinds of school (Grundschule, Mittelschule, Realschule, Berufsschule) enrol for the "Ethics" program. The two programs differ in the amount of required credits (at least 46 ECTS versus 35 ECTS, respectively).
A grundständige Erweiterung refers to a specialization in which both the first and the second Staatsexamen are successfully completed. By contrast, a nachträgliche Erweiterung refers to a specialization where (a) only the first Staatsexamen is taken in the specialization subject, (b) the first Staatsexamen in the specialization subject is taken after the second Staatsexamen in the subject combination, or (c) there is no plan to take the second Staatsexamen at all.
See also this page from the Münchner Zentrum für Lehrerbildung.
No, there is no separate standard or minimum program duration for the Philosophy/Ethics specialization. By adding on a specialization, the standard program duration of your major program is extneded by two semesters.
No. At the moment, Philosophy/Ethics can only be studied at LMU as a specialization subject.
With the 2020 update of the LPO I, Bavarian universities can now offer an undergraduate program in Philosophy/Ethics (in-depth) or Ethics. In principle, this enables students to choose Philosophy/Ethics as their teaching subject (LA GS/MS/BS) or as a teaching subject in a subject combination (LA GY/RS), where it can be combined with Mathematics, German, English or Latin. Currently, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg and the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt already offer an undergraduate program in Philosophy/Ethics for Lehramt Gymnasium students.
In the Philosophy/Ethics specialization, assessments and grades are not recorded in LSF. Lectures document graded work which was produced for their courses by means of a module certificate (PDF, 762 KB).
There is no form of assessment specific to Lehramt students. Lehramt students are assessed in the way the lecturers specify for the students in the Bachelor program. The forms of assessment which are common in Philosophy include: examinations, seminar papers, essays and wissenschaftliche Protokolle (summaries of the content of lectures).
Dr. André Chapuis (Koordinator „Philosophie/Ethik als schulische Themenfelder“)
E-Mail: Andre.Chapuis@lmu.de
Telephone: +49 (0) 89 2180-3281
Office hours: by appointment
Office: Schellingstr. 9, 3rd floor
The universitärer Leistungsnachweis (ULN) consists of the subject-specific prerequisites which must be satisfied as part of subject specialization for admission to the first Staatsexamen in accordance with LPO I (2020). The universities decide the exact structure of the ULN. At LMU Munich, students must complete modules worth at least 46 ECTS (Philosophy/Ethics in-depth) or 35 ECTS (Ethics).
The ULN ist not a part of the Staatsexamen, rather a prerequisite. Therefore, grades from the ULN do not contribute towards the overall grade in the Staatsexamen.
At least 46 ECTS must be acquired as part of the ULN. All details are to be found here on the following section of this page: Universitärer Leistungsnachweis - Philosophy/Ethics in-depth LA GY
At least 35 ECTS must be obtained as part of the ULN. All details can be found in the following section of this page: Universitärer Leistungsnachweis (ULN) - Ethics LA RS/MS/BS/GS
In the Philosophy/Ethics specialization, graded work cannot be recorded in LSF. Students ask their lecturers to document graded work arising from their courses by means of a module certificate (PDF, 762 KB). The module certificate must be signed by the lecturer as well as receive the institutional stamp.
If a student has collected module certificates worth a total of at least 46 ECTS (Philosophy/Ethics in-depth) or 35 ECTS (Ethics), they can contact the degree program coordinator Dr. André Chapuis to arrange an appointment for the issue of the ULN. The student should arrive at the office (Schellingstr. 9, third floor) at the appointed time and present the original module certificates, as well as a copy of each certificate, along with the form "Antrag auf Ausstellung des universitären Leistungsnachweises". If the modules have been completed in accordance with the requirements of the program, the degree program coordinator will certify this and forward the certificate to the examinations office.
The application form Antrag auf Ausstellung des universitären Leistungsnachweises (PDF, 459 KB) does not just make the issuing process easier, it also serves as a helpful instrument for planning your studies. By putting crosses next to modules you have already completed, you have an overview of the module certificates you have already earned and those which still need to be obtained.
No, you do not have to register for assessments for the Philosophy/Ethics specialization in LSF, and indeed you cannot.
The module certificate form and the form "Antrag auf Ausstellung des universitären Leistungsnachweises" are available to download from this page in the section Links and Downlaods.
Students can see the current range of courses on offer in LSF under Course catalogue > Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies > Differenzierung nach Studiengängen > Lehramtsstudiengang Philosophie/Ethik (Erweiterungsfach).
In principle, you must register for courses in the Faculty of Philosophy via LSF within the given registration period. Information about course registration for next semester can typically be found on LSF from around the end of the current semester's lectures. It is recommended that students who were not given a place contact the relevant lecturers at the beginning of the semester and ask if they can be admitted to the course.
From autumn 2022, the following applies in accordance with LPO I (2008) §76 or §45: three written examinations must be taken in the areas Fachdidaktik (didactics), Angewandte Ethik (applied ethics) and Klassische Werke der Ethik (classic works of ethics).
Precise information about the process (online registration, registration in person, deadlines etc.) is collated by the Examination Office here.
By the time of registration, it is not necessary to have completed all the modules required for the ULN.
Yes, you do not need to have completed all the required modules at the time of registration. In this case, the Examination Office (Prüfungsamt) issues a provisional admission note. The ULN has to be submitted to the Examination Office at least three working days before the first examination, however, in order for you to be finally admitted. Please take into account this processing time and contact the degree program coordinator in good time to make an appointment.
No, the earliest you can take the first Staatsexamen in the Philosophy/Ethics specialization is at the same time as the first Staatsexamen in the subject combination.
The Staatsexamen exams can be retaken once if you fail the first time. You must retake the exam on the next occasion the exam is offered, or the occasion following that, but no later. All three exam papers must be sat again.
No, the ULN is not a part of the Staatsexamen, rather a prerequisite. Therefore, grades from the ULN do not contribute towards the overall grade in the Staatsexamen.
The Munich Center for Teacher Education (Münchner Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, MZL) provides a comprehensive collection of past papers for LMU students.
To access the papers, you need to login using your Campus account. Under "Erweiterungsfächer" you can find question papers for the various exam areas, categorized by school type.