Staff directory

Chair of Practical Philosophy and Ethics (Prof. Dr. Monika Betzler)

View into the atrium of the LMU main buidling


Prof. Dr. Monika Betzler

Chair, Director of PPW Master Program


Monika Timmke

Send an email

+49 89 2180-2386

+49 89 2180-2262

Research Associates

Dr. des. Marius Baumann

Academic Director

Dr. Radu Bumbacea

DFG Fellow, Walter Benjamin Scholarship

Dr. Gloria Mähringer

Research Assistant

PD Dr. Norbert Paulo

Research Associate

Dr. Korbinian Rüger

Research Associate

Dr. Jonas Vandieken

Research Associate

Dr. habil. Anna Wehofsits

Assistant Professor

Doctoral Fellows

Luca Bellini

Doctoral Fellow

Léonie Droste, M.A.

Doctoral Fellow

Esther Heizmann

Doctoral Fellow

Sinja Hofmann

Doctoral Fellow

Simon Stromer, M.A.

Doctoral Fellow

Tao Wang, M.A.

Doctoral Fellow

Maximilian Weber, M.A.

Doctoral Fellow

Adjunct Professors

apl. Prof. Dr. Verena Mayer

Adjunct Professor
