Maximilian Weber, M.A.

Doctoral Fellow

Chair of Practical Philosophy and Ethics

Office hours:

By appointment (arrangement via e-mail)

Postal address:

Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1

80539 Munich

Personal Information

After completing my MA in Philosophy at the University of Regensburg in 2018, in early 2019 I began my doctoral studies at LMU.

My doctoral thesis will consider the question "How safe is safe enough?" in the context of self-driving cars. To answer this question, I will develop a rights-based theory of moral handling of risks. This work will thus bring together aspects of technology ethics, philosophy of law, and risk ethics.

I am affiliated with the MKEP and was employed by Daimler AG from February 2019 to March 2022 as a doctoral student. As part of this role, I was involved in giving ethical advice on new technologies, primarily self-driving cars. My tasks included, among others, conceptual preparatory work for consultation, the initial evaluation of ethical issues in interdisciplinary product development of current series models, as well as the conception and authoring of presentations and talks.

Research Interests

My research specialisms and interests are primarily in ethics, ethics of risk, philosophy of law, trolleyology, and the Numbers Debate.