apl. Prof. Dr. Verena Mayer

Adjunct Professor

Chair of Practical Philosophy

Office hours:

By appointment, over Zoom

Postal address:

Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1

80539 Muinch

Personal Information

Verena Mayer received her doctorate at the LMU on the logician Gottlob Frege, completed her habilitation in 1998 with a thesis on semantic holism, and was made Adjunct Professor in 2006. After conducting research as part of projects funded by the DFG, the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung and the Volkswagenstiftung, she was Acting Professor in Göttingen and Munich. Since 2005, she has been teaching in the further education program Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPW).

Research Interests

Verena Mayer's research interests lie in the border area between analytic philosophy and phenomenology. In addition to comprehensive research on the work of Husserl, she is preoccupied with the relationship between Carnap and Husserl, with Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, with the philosophy of emotions, and with epistemological questions regarding the concept of truth. Currently, she is working on a realist theory of value.

Selected Publications

  1. "The Significance of Objectifying Acts in Husserl’s Fifth Investigation", with co-author Christopher Erhard, in Husserl – German Perspectives, eds. John Drummond, Otfried Höffe, Forthham University Press 2019, 163-192.
  2. "Der Logische Aufbau als Plagiat, oder: Eine Einführung in Husserls System der Konstitution", in Husserl and Analytic Philosophy, ed. Guillermo Rosado Haddock, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter 2016, 175-260.
  3. "Existentielle Liebe in der Philosophie der Emotionen", in Liebe – mehr als ein Gefühl. Philosophie – Theologie – Einzelwissenschaften, eds. Werner Schüßler, Marc Röbel, Paderborn 2016: Ferdinand Schöningh, 97-114.
  4. "Einfühlen und Verstehen. Husserls Beitrag zur Empathiedebatte", in Philosophiegeschichte und logische Analyse 16, eds. Uwe Meixner, Rochus Sowa, Münster: mentis 2013, 220-243.
  5. Edmund Husserl. Reihe Denker im Verlag C.H. Beck, München 2009.
  6. Edmund Husserls Logische Untersuchungen. ed. Verena Mayer. Klassiker Auslegen, Akademie-Verlag Berlin 2008.
  7. "Wahrheitswerte und Wahrheitsbegriff", in Das Wahre und das Falsche. Studien zu Freges Auffassung von Wahrheit, ed. D. Greimann, Verlag Georg Olms, 2003.
  8. "Implicit Thoughts. Analyticity in Quine, Frege and Kant", in 50 Years of Empiricism without Dogmas, eds. Katrin Glüer-Pagin, Geert Keil, Grazer Philosophische Studien 66, 2004.
  9. "Remarks on the Numbering System of the Tractatus", in Ratio VI, 1993, 108-120.
  10. "Die Konstruktion der Erfahrungswelt - Carnap und Husserl", in Erkenntnis 35, 1991, 287-304; in Greek translation in Deucalion Vol. 11, 1992.