The primary requirement for registration (Immatrikulation) for the Master in Theoretical Philosophy is a degree from a university, in Germany or abroad, from a program at least six semesters in length. To apply for the winter semester 2024/25, the following documents must be submitted to the Secretary by post addressed to
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Philosophie, Wissenschaftstheorie
und Religionswissenschaft
Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Philosophie
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
80539 Munich
or by e-mail by 15 July 2024 at latest:
- an itemised curriculum vitae, which serves as a basis for the selection interview;
- a copy of your degree certificate from your first degree (in line with § 1 Abs. 1) or a corresponding Transcript of Records showing at least 150 ECTS credits' worth of academic work (courses etc.) with an average grade of 2,3 or higher; for international students, grades are converted according to the modifizierte bayerische Formel zur Umrechnung ausländischer Prüfungsleistungen, and rounded to the nearest German grade.
- an essay written in German, of at most 15,000 characters in length, for the purpose of checking the requirements laid out in § 1 Satz 3. The essay must relate to at least one of the topic areas of theoretical philosophy listed on the website of the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies. The essay must be accompanied by a written declaration that it is the independent work of the applicant and was written exclusively using the given resources.
International applicants must - in addition to submitting the application documents specified above by the 15 July 2024 - lodge an application for admission with the International Office by 15 July 2024. In the case of degrees which were awarded in non-German-speaking countries, an officially certified translation of the degree certificate or Transcript of Records into German must also be submitted.
In clear cases, the selection committee decides based on the submitted documents alone whether the applicant is qualified. If this is not possible, applicants are invited to a selection interview, on the basis of which it is determined whether they are qualified. Decisions about qualification for the course will be made by 1 September 2024 at latest.
If you have queries about the application process, our research associate and program coordinator
Thomas Enthofer ( will be happy to help. We are glad that you are interested and wish you success in your application.
Note: the 2024 selection interviews will take place on Wednesday, 14 August 2024 or on Wednesday, 21 August 2024. They will be held via the "Zoom" video conferencing software.