Staff Directory

Research Center for Neurophilosophy and Ethics of Neurosciences (Prof. Dr. Stephan Sellmaier)

View into the atrium of the LMU main buidling

Head of the Research Center

Prof. Dr. Stephan Sellmaier

Head of Research Center for Neurophilosophy and Ethics of Neurosciences

Secretary of the GSN

LMU BioCenter
Department Biology II Neurobiology
Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences
Großhaderner Str. 2
82152 Planegg-Martinsried

GSN office: B00.070B
Tel.: +49 89 2180-74178

Research Associates

PD Dr. Christopher Erhard

Research Associate, Private Lecturer

Doctoral Fellows

Rafael Fuchs

Doctoral Fellow

Rebecca Geiselmann, B.Sc., M.Sc.

PhD Student

Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Kleiner

GSN Doctoral Fellow

Nadine Meertens, M.A.

GSN Doctoral Fellow, Research Assistant

Matthias Schachtler, M.A.

PhD Student

Jazmin Sidney
Harry Waterstone, MA

Doctoral Fellow
