Research profile (Professorship of Philosophy of Religion)

The Professorship belongs to the tradition of analytic philosophy of religion (in the broadest sense). The main areas of research are religious language, religious pluralism and global philosophy of religion, classical Chinese and Buddhist philosophy, and the philosophy of death and immortality.

Key research areas of the Professorship of Philosophy of Religion

Mysticism and religious experience, inexpressibility, theories of religious language and the meaning of religious metaphors, the logic of negative theology.

Non-western philosophy (especially Chinese and Buddhist philosophy), secular spirituality and religious naturalism, global philosophy of religion, philosophy of death and immortality.

Doctoral theses

  • Patricia SCHÖLHORN-GAAR: Die Diversität der Religionen und ihr gemeinsamer Kern. Eine Grundlegung zum interreligiösen Dialog
  • Adam LALÁK: Spirituality and Naturalism: an enactivist perspective
  • Sylvia LIU: Buddhism and personal identity