Patricia Schöllhorn-Gaar, M.A.
Doctoral Fellow
Professorship of Philosophy of Religion
Doctoral Fellow
Professorship of Philosophy of Religion
Patricia Schöllhorn-Gaar studied Philosophy (BA and MA) at the Hochschule für Philosophie in Munich and, after her studies, gathered practical experience in the area of interreligious dialogue as a specialist consultant at the Diocesan Chancery in Munich. Since 2020, she has been researching the philosophical foundations of interreligious cooperation as part of a doctoral project funded by Cusanuswerk (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gäb), Her doctoral thesis ("Die Diversität der Religionen und ihr gemeinsamer Kern. Eine Grundlegung zum interreligiösen Dialog") makes a contribution to the scholarly debate about the concept of religious pluralism and carves out an independent approach to a common, transcultural core in religious experiences.