Staff directory

Chair of Theoretical Philosophy (Prof. Dr. Axel Hutter)

View into the atrium of the LMU main buidling


Prof. Dr. Axel Hutter



Kristina Maschek


Research Associates

Thomas Enthofer, M.A.

Research Associate

Katharina Molnár, M.A.

Research Associate (academic year 2024/25)

Dr. Thomas Oehl

On paternity leave in the 2024/25 academic year

Teaching Staff

RA Prof. Dr. Franz-Alois Fischer

Teaching Fellow

Philosophy of law, Hegel, analytic philosophy

Dr. Vicki Müller-Lüneschloß

Teaching Fellow

Fabian André Schäfer, M.Phil., M.A.

Teaching Fellow

Dr. Pascal Zambito

Teaching Fellow

Doctoral Fellows

David Benjamin Berger

Doctoral Fellow

Thomas Enthofer, M.A.

Research Associate

Blas Ariel Giménez

Doctoral Fellow

Ragna Talea Oeynhausen, M.A.

PhD student, Student assistant

Fabian André Schäfer, M.Phil., M.A.

Teaching Fellow

Clemens Schmalhorst, M.A.

Doctoral Fellow

Nicolás A. Silva Sepúlveda

Doctoral Fellow

Adjunct Professors

apl. Prof. Dr. Michael Brüggen

Adjunct Professor

apl. Prof. Dr. Wilhelm G. Jacobs

Adjunct Professor

apl. Prof. Dr. Jörg Jantzen

Adjunct Professor

apl. Prof. Dr. Ives Radrizzani

Adjunct Professor

apl. Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans Georg von Manz

Adjunct Professor

apl. Prof. Dr. Alexander von Pechmann

Adjunct Professor

apl. Prof. Dr. Michael Bastian Weiß

Adjunct Professor

Private Lecturers

PD Dr. habil. Thomas Bonk

Private Lecturer

PD Dr. Bernhard Jakl, Ass.jur.

Private Lecturer


Prof. Dr. Wolfhart Henckmann
Prof. Dr. Günter Zöller


Anna Ament, B.A.

Student Assistant

Elias Gambarte, M.A.

Student Assistant

Felix Mair, M.A.
Ragna Talea Oeynhausen, M.A.

PhD student, Student assistant

Elvin Tosse, B.A.

External Staff and Visiting Researchers