
Chair of Ancient Philosophy (Prof. Dr. Christof Rapp)

Teaching at the Chair of Ancient Philosophy

The Chair offers lectures, seminars and tutorials on all topics of ancient Greco-Roman philosophy from the beginnings to Hellenistic philosophy (and thus complements the Chair of Late Ancient and Arabic Philosophy, which offers a wide range of courses on philosophy in the late ancient period). The teaching also covers questions of the reception of ancient philosophy up to the present day.

In addition to the courses on Introduction to Ancient Philosophy and Selected Texts of Ancient Philosophy, the Chair coordinates an international, interdisciplinary Master program in Ancient Philosophy in cooperation with the Chair of Late Ancient and Arabic Philosophy (Prof. Dr. Peter Adamson) and the Chair of Greek Philology I (Prof. Dr. Oliver Primavesi).

For the next academic step, the doctorate, the three chairs jointly offer a doctoral program (MUSAΦ), which - like the Master's program - combines philosophical and philological skills.