
Research Center for Neurophilosophy and Ethics of Neurosciences (Prof. Dr. Stephan Sellmaier)

Teaching at the Research Center

At the Research Center, not only can you attend courses about the philosophy of mind, the philosophy of the neurosciences, and the philosophy of biology, but you can also take advantage of a diverse range of teaching on ethical questions relating to neuroethics and evolutionary biology. You can find the courses taught by Prof. Stephan Sellmaier and Dr. Christopher Erhard on LSF. In addition, the comprehensive teaching offering of the GSN is open to you.

Criteria for credit points

Introduction to neurophilosophy (3 ECTS)

  • Regular attendance of lecture and tutorial
  • Essay (2000-3000) words

Seminars (6 ECTS/9 ECTS)

  • Regular attendance
  • Presentation (20 min.) + handout or Powerpoint
  • If applicable to seminar: preparation of final discussion in working groups
  • GSN (6 ECTS): summary of presentation and discussion (2000-3000), group submission possible
  • Philosophy BA/MA (9 ECTS): argumentative essay, including discussion of additional literature, abstract must be handed in at the end of the term (usually mid-February / end of July)

The deadline for essay submission for the Winter Semester 2023/24: 24 March 2024

Please note possible new decisions of the Philosophy Examination Committee on this website.

Philosophy databases and online resources

Disclaimer: The following all contain external links to websites which may or may not collect personal data and which may or may not adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR/DSGVO) in accordance with the EU.

Literature databases and collections

Encyclopedias, introduction to neurophilosophy topics


Neuroscience sources