Symposium Aristotelicum

"The Symposium Aristotelicum was conceived by Professor Ingemar Düring, of the University of Göteborg. At a meeting of the Classical Association of Great Britain in Oxford in 1955, he suggested to a number of colleagues that there was a need for a meeting of Aristotelian scholars, to discuss particularly the "lost" works of Aristotle and the relations between the younger Aristotle and his master Plato. Plans for this meeting were laid down at an informal discussion at the "Lamb and Flag" in St. Giles, Oxford, between Professors Düring, Gwilym Owen, and David Furley. The Symposium met for the first time in Magdalen College Oxford for a week in August 1957, and its success persuaded its members to promote further meetings at regular intervals. […]
"There have been meetings subsequently every three years. Each meeting has been followed by the publication of a volume based on the papers presented."
— David J. Furley, 1993