Regular online evaluations: students evaluate courses and lecturers
Every semester, all regular lecture courses, seminars, etc. at Faculty 10 are evaluated online through the Evasys system. Students registered and admitted to a course automatically receive an invitation towards the end of the course to take part in an anonymous online evaluation.
This evaluation allows you to submit ratings (about the workload, among other things) and leave comments, as well as suggestions for improvement. The results are then sent to the lecturers (but otherwise not published or shared). Irregularities are discussed directly by the dean of studies with the respective lecturer.
Annual teaching evaluation: assessment of teaching, grading, feedback and diversity
Furthermore, Philosophy students at Faculty 10 are invited, typically once a year towards the end of lectures in the Summer Semester, to take part in a general online survey about Philosophy studies and teaching at Faculty 10. In previous years, the usual topics of the survey included, among others, the assessment of:
- the fairness of grading,
- feedback on assignments,
- the consideration of issues of diversity in studies and teaching at Faculty 10.
The general survey is also used to collect feedback on possible requests for future teaching, and to enable voting for the Teaching Excellency Award (Preis für gute Lehre), which the Fachschaft Philosophie awards once a year in the categories "Best Lecture" and "Best Seminar Course".
Points of contact for your questions, requests and issues
Of course, you can also get in touch with various central points of contact at the faculty regarding feedback, requests and issues whenever you like, for example if you do not agree (at all) with an evaluation, if you have not received an explanation of a grade (e.g. for an exam or an assignment) even after requesting one, if a course is frequently cancelled, or if you feel that you are being discriminated against based on your gender or for other reasons. The following central points of contact are happy to help:
- Bachelor in Philosophy (also for students minoring in Philosophy) and Master in Philosophy
- Dean of Studies
Prof. Dr. Peter Adamson
Program coordinator Dr. Thomas Wyrwich - Women's representative at the faculty
- Dr. Gloria Mähringer
- Master program Logic and Philosophy of Science
- Program coordinator
apl. Prof. Dr. Alexander Reutlinger
Program coordinator Dr. Norbert Gratzl - Master program Theoretical Philosophy
- Program coordinator Dr. Thomas Oehl
- Master program Ancient Philosophy
- Program coordinator Dr. Andreas Anagnostopoulos
- Lehramt specialization in Philosophy/Ethics
- Program coordinator
Dr. André Chaquis
Program coordinator Dr. Johannes Abel