How to register for modules in LSF
It is recommended in the study regulations that Philosophy majors complete the compulsory modules P 1, P 2 and P 3 (6 ECTS each) in their first semester. The module P 1 (= Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten) consists of a weekly two-hour preparatory course (Propädeutikum), while modules P 2 (= Einführung in die formale Logik) and P 3 (= Einführung in die Metaphysik und Sprachphilosophie) each consist of lectures and an associated exercise course (Übung).
For the lectures, you can simply register directly and reserve a place by logging into LSF, clicking on the menu item Course catalogue and navigating the tree as follows: Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies > Differenzierung nach Studiengängen > Bachelor-Hauptfach Philosophie > Hauptfachordnung von 2018... > P2 / P3. Then find the lectures P2.1 and P3.1 (under P2 and P3 respectively), continue to their pages and click on "register"/"reserve a place" ("belegen"/"Platz beantragen"). Both lectures will then appear automatically in your personal LSF schedule.
Preparatory courses and exercise courses: preferential registration necessary
The preparatory courses and the individual exercise groups for the two lectures take place in smaller rooms. There is only a limited number of places in each group. Therefore, in these cases it is not possible to choose in advance the preparatory course and the exercise group you want (or the time-slot you want). Rather, you have to be allocated to a group.
In these three cases, prioritized registration is required by 7 October 2024, which you can complete via the "Register/Unregister for Courses" ("Lehrveranstaltungen belegen/abmelden") menu option. Navigate through this menu to the modules P 1.1, P 2.2, and P 3.2, and click on "register" for each. Depending on your other scheduling commitments, assign your priorities (1 = would be my first choice (time-wise), 2 = would be my second choice, etc.). Please always assign at least three priorities (to ensure a good chance of being allocated a place). The prioritized courses will initially appear as "registered" in your LSF timetable. If you rely solely on your first-choice priority, you risk not receiving a place at all (at first).
Registering for courses in your minor subject
The standard study plans at LMU recommend that you enroll in minor subject modules worth a total of 12 ECTS credits during your first semester. If you have any questions about your minor subject and the related course registration that are not answered by the information page for your minor subject, the study plans there, or the introductory event for your minor subject, you will need to contact the academic advising/study program coordination for your minor subject.
More tips: reset preferences and announcement of admission to courses
- Until Monday, 7 October 2024 (evening), you can also withdraw from your priority settings and set them again.
- On the evening of 8 October 2024, you will be able to see in your personal LSF timetable in which preparatory course and exercise group you have been "registered" ("ZU[gelassen]"). Prioritized courses for which you did not receive a place or no longer need will automatically be removed from your timetable (you do not need to delete them manually). To emphasize again, during the Winter Semester, you will only attend one of the courses offered in P 1 and only one lecture/exercise group for each of P 2 and P 3.
- Please do not be confused on 10 October 2024 if the admission confirmations ("ZU") in your personal LSF timetable briefly revert to "AN[gemeldet]" (during the minor subject seat allocation process): you still have your allocated place (from 08.10.).
- Please always refer to the course details in the LSF course catalog for the location and exact start time of each class. "c.t." stands for "cum tempore," and this is the standard for philosophy classes; for example, 14-16 c.t. means the class starts at 2:15 p.m. and ends at 3:45 p.m. Only if announced with "s.t." (sine tempore) would the course start at 2 p.m. sharp.
Your Winter Semester planning will also depend on your possible minor subject and other scheduling commitments. For example, if you find that you are unable (or not easily able) to attend the P 2 lecture or the P 3 lecture in your first semester and therefore need to "postpone" them to a later Winter Semester, you can alternatively bring forward modules such as P 6 (Practical Philosophy II: Introduction to Political Philosophy) or P 7 (History of Philosophy II: Introduction to Modern Philosophy) into your first semester. Please note that, in this case, you will also need to prioritize and register for the P 6.2 exercise course or the P 7.2 exercise course in the same way as explained above.
- Merely registering for and attending a course does not obligate you to complete an examination. You have until January 2025 to decide in which Philosophy courses you want to take an exam, write essays, etc. If necessary, you can and must register for the Winter Semester exams you plan to take in Philosophy between 20 January and 31 January 2025 via the LSF system (exceptions: block seminars during the semester break [= registration during the block seminar period] and second exam dates for lectures [= registration shortly before the second exam date]). You will also receive an information and reminder email about this in January 2025, which will be sent to your address.
If you have any questions (please read the information provided above first!), you are welcome to contact the program coordinator,
Dr. Thomas Wyrwich. — If your enrollment process is not yet completed by 7 October 2024 (i.e., if you do not yet have LSF login data by that date), you can contact Dr. Wyrwich directly via email for late registration for philosophy courses. In that case, please also provide your matriculation number as well as (in addition to your preferred courses/times) alternative time slots that would be suitable for you, particularly for P 1 and the lecture/exercise courses.