Tips for first-semester Bachelor students minoring in Philosophy (30 and 60 ECTS)

The information below (on course registration, timetable planning, and more) is intended for all students who started the Bachelor Minor in Philosophy (30 and 60 ECTS) in winter semester 2024/25.

Information for first-semester students in the Bachelor Minor in Philosophy program (30 and 60 ECTS)

Tips for the first semester of your minor: recommendations for course registration

  • According to the study regulations, students who have chosen the BA minor subject Philosophy with 30 ECTS credits are recommended to take one of the following four compulsory modules in the first semester: WP 1 or WP 2 or WP 3 or WP 4 (free choice, depending on interest; each module is worth 6 ECTS credits)
  • According to the study regulations, students who have chosen the BA minor subject Philosophy with 60 ECTS credits are recommended to take two of the following four compulsory modules in the first semester: WP 1, WP 2, WP 3 and/or WP 4 (free choice, depending on interests; each module is worth 6 ECTS).

The compulsory modules WP 1 to 4 all consist of a lecture and an accompanying exercise course. WP 1 (Logic) is a special case, in that there are four hours of lecture time a week, namely on Monday and Wednesday 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Your choice of compulsory module will also depend on your main subject commitments and the times at which you can attend lectures in your minor subject, Philosophy.

Registration for the philosophy lectures

You can register directly for the respective lecture and reserve a place by logging into the LSF system via the menu item "Course catalog", navigating the path Faculty of Philosophy... > I. Differenzierung nach Studiengängen > Bachelor-NEBENFACH Philosophie > Aktuelle BA-Nebenfach-Ordnung (von 2018)... to the respective lecture WP 1.1, 2.1, 3.1 and/or 4.1 course pages, and clicking on "belegen"/"Platz beantragen". The lecture will then automatically be "registered" in your personal LSF timetable.

Assignment of exercise groups in the LSF system

The exercise groups for the individual lectures take place in smaller rooms. There are only a certain number of places per group. Therefore, in these cases you cannot simply choose the desired lecture exercise group (or the date) from the outset, but must wait for an allocation. In these cases, a prioritized booking is required by 7 October 2024 (in the evening), which you can make via the LSF menu item "Book/cancel courses". Use this menu item to navigate to the desired sub-modules in the WP 1.2-4.2 section and click on "belegen". Then assign your priorities depending on your other schedules and commitments (1 = most preferred (in terms of time), 2 = second most preferred, etc.).

Please assign at least three priorities in order to be allocated a place with some certainty. The prioritized courses will then all initially be "registered" in your LSF timetable. If you only assign your first priority, you run the risk of (initially) not receiving a place at all.

In the minor subject 30 ECTS, the recommendation is that you submit priorities for one of the four compulsory modules (e.g. within WP 2.2). In the minor subject 60 ECTS you will register for two lectures and the accompanying exercise courses (e.g. within WP 2.2 and WP 3.2).

Re-prioritization, place allocation and other information

  • Until Monday, 7 October 2024 (in the evening), you can also "unsubscribe" from your priorities and reset them again.
  • On the evening of 10 October 2024, you will then be able to see in your personal LSF timetable in which lecture exercise group you have been "registered". Prioritized courses in which you did not get or need a place will then automatically be removed from your timetable (you do not have to delete them separately).
  • The location and exact start time of each course can always be found in the LSF individual view of the course in the course catalog. "c.t." means "cum tempore", and this is also the normal case for courses in philosophy; 14-16 c.t. means, for example: Classes begin at 2.15 pm and end at 3.45 pm. Only with an "s.t." (sine tempore) announcement, the course would start at 2 p.m. sharp.
  • Simply attending and participating in a course does not oblige you to take an examination. You have until January 2025 to decide where you would like to take a lecture exam in philosophy. You can and must then register via the LSF system between 20 January and 31 January 2025 for Winter Semester examinations that you want to take in philosophy (exceptions: Block seminars during the vacations [= registration during the block seminar period] and second exam dates in the lectures [= registration shortly before the second exam date]). However, you will also receive another information and reminder e-mail, which will then be sent to your in January 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact the course coordinator Dr. Thomas Wyrwich (after reading the information above!).