
Chair of Logic and Philosophy of Language (Prof. DDr. Hannes Leitgeb)

About teaching at the Chair of Logic and Philosophy of Language

The Chair organizes courses in all areas of philosophical logic, philosophy of logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, and mathematical philosophy, and it does so on all levels, such as introductory courses in logic, courses in intermediate logic, and courses in advanced logic. The topics of these courses include: classical predicate logic, deontic logic, epistemic logic, modal logic, constructive logics, formal theories of truth, higher-order logic, model theory, proof theory, the logic of questions, computability, incompleteness, and undecidability. Members of the Chair have secured multiple student awards for their teaching activities in the recent past.

Courses at the Chair of Logic and Philosophy of Language

The chair's current and previous events can be found on LSF.

The chair is involved in the MCMP's Master program in Logic and Philosophy of Science.

Doctorate at the Chair of Logic and Philosophy of Language

If you are interested in doing a doctorate on a topic relevant to the Chair, there are two options:

  1. You are applying for an advertised doctoral position. These vacancies can be found on the Faculty's website.
  2. You already have funding or plan to apply for a scholarship (e.g., from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation). In that case, please send the following documents (in English) as a single PDF file to the Chair's secretary: cover letter, CV, research proposal (approx. 10 pages), MA thesis, and an essay (e.g., a term paper, max. 8000 words). A separate letter of recommendation should be sent to the same address. We will review the documents and get back to you.