Staff directory

Chair of Logic and Philosophy of Language (Prof. DDr. Hannes Leitgeb)

View into the atrium of the LMU main buidling


Prof. DDr. Hannes Leitgeb

Head of Chair of Logic and Philosophy of Language


Ursula Danninger, M.A.


Research Associates

Dr. Norbert Gratzl

Akademischer Rat (a.L.)

Dr. Levin Hornischer

Assistant Professor

Dr. Alessandra Marra

Assistant Professor

Dr. Edi Pavlović

Research Associate

Doctoral Fellows

Nicola Bonatti

Doctoral Fellow

Andreas Frenzel

Doctoral Fellow

Diego García Rincón

Doctoral Fellow

Ragna Talea Oeynhausen, M.A.

PhD student, Student assistant

Hannah Pillin

Doctoral Fellow

Hosea von Hauff, M.A.

Doctoral Fellow


Prof. Dr. Ulrich Blau

Professor Emeritus

Prof. Dr. Godehard Link, Dipl.Math.

Retired Professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science