1. Books
- (Doctoral thesis): Moralische Selbst- und Welterkenntnis. Die Deduktion des kategorischen Imperativs in der Kantischen Philosophie, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann 2011. (Reviewed by Jörg Noller in: Philosophisches Jahrbuch 1/2013, pp.234-236)
- (As editor): Hegel in der neueren Philosophie, Hamburg: Meiner 2011 (Hegel-Studien Beiheft 55). (Reviewed by Thomas Oehl in: Widerspruch. Münchner Zeitschrift für Philosophie 54 (2011), pp. 131-134, as well as bz Sebastian Ostritsch in: Hegel-Studien 47 (2013), pp. 255-260)
2a. Articles (in planning / accepted / in print)
- Article on Wissenschaftsfreiheit und Wahrheit, accepted for publication by Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie
- Die "Dinge an sich" im Lichte eines anschauenden Verstandes. Zum Problem einer etwaigen "Lücke" in Kants kritischer Philosophie, to appear in: Verstand und Sinnlichkeit in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie, eds. Christian Martin und Marvin Tritschler, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: frommann-holzboog, to be published 2025.
- Heideggers Kant-Rezeption, to appear in: Handbuch Kantianismus, ed. Jörg Noller, Heidelberg/Berlin: Metzler.
2b. Articles (published)
- Statuiert Kants theoretische Philosophie eine radikale negative Theologie? Anmerkungen zu einer These aus der jüngeren Forschung im Lichte von Kants regulativem Deismus, in: Kant-Studien 115 (3) 2024, pp. 320-332 (accepted after blind-review process).
- 'Das Universum ist vor meinem Blicke vergeistiget'. Fichtes werkübergreifende Ausdifferenzierung des Geistbegriffs, in: Die Aktualität des Geistes. Klassische Positionen nach Kant und ihre Relevanz in der Moderne, eds. Jörg Noller und Thomas Zwenger, Freiburg/München: Alber 2018, pp. 55-76.
- Absolutheit der Wahrheit und Transzendenz des Ich. Freges Beiträge zu Problemen der Klassischen deutschen Philosophie in Der Gedanke, in: Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 71 (2) 2017, pp. 223-248 (accepted after blind review process)
- Abstract: The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that in his late essay Der Gedanke, published in the Beitraegen zur Philosophie des Deutschen Idealismus in 1918, Frege presents several considerations that can be understood as contributions to Kantian and ‘idealistic’ topics and problems indeed. Accordingly, the following claims are developed: 1. Frege’s theory of truth can be regarded as compatible with the one established by Kant in his Critique of Pure Reason. 2. Frege’s critical side glance at ‘humanities’ (Geisteswissenschaften) and their truth-valence, which can also be interpreted as a criticism of Dilthey, in a way follows Windelband’s epistemological challenge of the differentiation between humanities and natural sciences (Geistes- and Naturwissenschaften). 3. In contrast to Hegel and the position he develops in the Phaenomenologie des Geistes, Frege argues that linguistic-notional expressions, even ones with deictic elements, can have a distinct, indexical meaning. 4. Presumably based on Fechner and therefore possibly on ‘idealistic’ examples, Frege preserves the possibility of a godly overall consciousness. 5. Frege’s anti-skeptical refutation of the idea that the “I” is only a representation (Vorstellung) and does fall into a regress, is based on a line of thought that can already be found in Fichte’s philosophy.
- Kants Anti-Spinozismus - Eine Antwort auf Omri Boehm, in: Kant-Studien 105 (1) 2014, pp. 113-124 (accepted after blind review process)
- Abstract: In a paper (recently published in the Kant-Studien) Omri Boehm claims that Kant argues for a “Spinozist substance monism” in his pre-critical writing Über den einzigen Beweisgrund vom Dasein Gottes (as an adequate understanding of God) and that he conserves this principle, henceforth as a regulative one, in the shape of the transcendental ideal in the first Critique. I try to reply on the basis of the following considerations: first, Kant is at least literally rejecting the idea of God as the one and only substance in the Beweisgrund, apparently by regarding as correct a different understanding of “substance” than that had by Spinoza. Second, the transcendental ideal also has a non- or even anti-Spinozist character in three regards, which can be deduced with the support of several restrictive and regulative claims of transcendental theology and physicotheology, which are still accepted by the critical Kant: it is designed as an extramundane principle; it is identified as a global ground of a consequence; and it is conceived as a potential, non-excludable source of purposive structures in the world.
- Kants Galgen-Beispiel und Adornos Verurteilung. Eine Skizze zum Begriff der „Erfahrung“ in der kritischen Moralphilosophie, in: Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, eds. Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca und Margit Ruffing, vol. 3, Berlin-New York: de Gruyter 2013, pp. 769-780 (accepted after blind review process)
- Kants Aufsatz über das Lügenverbot und das Problem der Verquickung von juridischer und göttlicher Gerechtigkeit, in: Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie 60 (1) 2013, pp. 128-138 (accepted after blind review process)
- Abstract: Kant’s essay on the prohibition of lying and the problem of the confusion between juridical and divine justice - In his paper "On a Supposed Right to Lie from Philanthropic Concerns,” Kant claims that it is not even allowed to conceal by means of a lie the hiding place of a friend from a possible murderer. Indeed, the good-natured liar could even be held jointly responsible in a civil court proceeding if the murderer caught the friend "accidently" as a consequence of the lie. This essay first draws attention to the possibility that the murderer could also be led to the hidden friend by the truthful statement of the homeowner, a scenario that Hegel imagines in order to criticize the Kantian position. After that, this essay argues that the question of guilt that a court would have to decide on here could be transformed into a pure problem of inner attitude. The juridical discourse of itself immanently points to the perspective of a "divine" jurisdiction, in which the motives would have to be judged finally. This is the central claim of this essay. In this divine or purely rational, philosophical perspective, the honest man must be able to regard all the consequences of the demanded action as "justified."
- Sein als Grund und Ab-Grund zugleich. Heideggers Ansatz zur Gründung einer positiven Ereignis-Philosophie. Manuscript for a lecture held in Munich on 15.09.2011 as part of the XXII. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie; published in the LMU open-access area (accepted after blind review process)
- From Gratification to Justice. The Tension between Anthropology and Pure Practical Reason in Kant's Conception(s) of the "Highest Good", in: Kant-Yearbook 3/2011 (Topic: Anthropology), ed. Dietmar H. Heidemann, Berlin-New York: de Gruyter, pp. 91-105 (accepted after blind review process)
- Abstract: The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that there is a tension between anthropological and solely 'pure' rational elements in Kant’s conceptions of the 'highest good'. Whereas 'happiness' serves in the second Critique still as a humanly conceptualized form of gratification commensurate to virtue, Kant is searching for a purely moral form of 'happiness' – as the objectification of virtue – in later works. Distancing himself from certain aspects of the postulates, Kant locates this purely moral form in the concept of a (basically punitive) justice. According to the main idea of this paper, moral justice is not exclusively or not even in the first instance an 'all-too-human' concept but a demand of pure, divine practical reason itself.
- (in the field of German studies): Das Trauma des Doktor Hacker. Zu Jakob van Hoddis' literarischer Auseinandersetzung mit der 'weißen Wirklichkeit'. In: Die Medialität des Traumas. Eine Archäologie der Gegenwartskultur, ed. Ralph Köhnen und Sebastian Scholz, Frankfurt-Berlin [u. a.]: Lang 2006, pp. 47-64.
3. Encyclopedia Articles
- Beweis, apagogischer/ostensiver; Böses; radikales*; Deismus; Dreieinigkeit; Erbsünde/Erbschuld; Ethikotheologie; Idee, theologische; Physikotheologie; Schöpfung; Sünde; Theologie*
all appearing in: Kant-Lexikon, eds. Stefano Bacin, Georg Mohr, Jürgen Stolzenberg und Marcus Willaschek, Berlin-New York: de Gruyter 2015 (3 volumes).
* = additionally included in the abridged students' edition (2017) with the most important articles
4. Reviews
- of Hendrik Klinge: Die moralische Stufenleiter. Kant über Teufel, Menschen, Engel und Gott, in: Kant-Studien 112 (1) 2021, pp. 153-158.
- of Gerold Prauss: Moral und Recht im Staat nach Kant und Hegel, in: Kant-Studien 102 (3) 2011, pp. 396-397.