Prof. Dr. Herlinde Pauer-Studer

Humboldt Fellow

Lehrstuhl für Praktische Philosophie und Ethik


Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1

80539 München

Personal Information

I am a Humboldt Fellow at the Chair of Practical Philosophy and Ethics, Prof. Monika Betzler (November 2023–July 2024).

Until September 2023, I have been Professor at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna. I am currently Senior Research Associate at the African Centre for Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, University of Johannesburg.

From 2010-2015 I was Principal Investigator (PI) of the ERC Advanced Research Grant “Distortions of Normativity” at the University of Vienna. And from 2018-2023 I was PI of the ERC Advanced Research Grant “The Normative and Moral Foundations of Group Agency” at the University of Vienna.

During my stay at LMU Munich, I will be working on issues of relational morality. I am particularly interested in the connections between a first-person standpoint of morality, as paradigmatically given in Kant’s ethics, and a relational reading of Kant’s practical philosophy.

Areas of Competence

Ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of law.

Selected Publications


  • Justifying Injustice. Legal Theory in Nazi Germany, Cambridge University Press 2020.
  • Co-authored with J. David Velleman, “Weil ich nun mal ein Gerechtigkeitsfanatiker bin”. Der Fall des SS-Richters Konrad Morgen, Suhrkamp 2017; engl.: Konrad Morgen. The Conscience of a Nazi Judge, PalgraveMacmillan 2015.


  • Symposium on Justifying Injustice. Legal Theory in Nazi Germany (CUP 2020): Responses to Critics (Jens Meierhenrich, Sofie Møller, Lars Vinx), in: Jurisprudence 14, 2. 2023, 291-302 (Open Access).
  • A Kantian Reading of ‘Good’ and ‘Good For’: Some Reflections on Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen’s Fitting Attitude Analysis of Value, in: Value, Morality & Social Reality, ed. by Andrés G. Garcia, Mattias Gunnemyr and Jakob Werkmeister, Lund University (Open Access).
  • Complicity and Conditions of Agency, in: Journal of Applied Philosophy 35, 4, 2018, 643-660.
  • Korsgaard’s Constitutivism and the Possibility of Bad Action, in: Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 21, 1, 2018, 37-56.
  • “A Community of Rational Beings”. Kant’s Realm of Ends and the Distinction between Internal and External Freedom, in: Kant-Studien 107, 1, 2016, 125-159.