Personal Information

Alessandra Marra is an Assistant Professor in the Chair for Logic and Philosophy of Language at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP). Before the assistant professorship, she was a postdoc at the MCMP (2019-2021) and a lecturer within the Philosophy and Economics program at Bayreuth University (2017-2019). She defended her PhD thesis "Deontic Modality in Rationality and Reasoning" at the Tilburg Center for Logic, Ethics and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS), Tilburg University, in 2019. She holds an MSc in Logic from the Institute for Logic Language and Computation (ILLC) and an MA in Philosophy from the Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

Research Interests

Alessandra research interests concern normative reasoning. She approaches the issue from various angles: philosophical logic (logics for obligations, intentions and plans), metaethics (subjective vs objective oughts, prima facie vs all-things-considered oughts), semantics (deontic modals, indicative conditionals, and the inference rules governing their interaction), and the intersection between philosophy of logic and epistemology (the normative role that logical principles play for the reasoning of bounded agents like ourselves).

Selected Publications

  • De Benedetto, M., Marra, A. "Logical norms as defeasible obligations: disentangling sound and feasible inferences.” 2024. Inquiry. online first.
  • Liu, F., Marra, A., Portner, P., Van De Putte, F. (Eds): "Norms in Social Perspective: DEON 2020/2021 (Special Issue)" 2023. Journal of Logic and Computation. Oxford University Press.
  • Klein, D., Marra, A. “From Oughts To Goals: A Logic for Enkrasia.” 2020. Studia Logica, (108): 85-128.
  • Marra, A. “Objective Oughts and a Puzzle about Futurity.” 2016. In Roy O., Tamminga A., Willer M. (Eds): Deontic Logic and Normative Systems. College Publications. 171–186.
  • Marra, A., Klein, D. “Logic and Ethics: An Integrated Model for Norms, Intentions and Actions.” 2015. In Hoek van der W., Holliday W., Wang W. (Eds): Logic, Rationality, and Interaction. Springer. 268-281.
  • Marra, A. “For a Dynamic Semantics of Necessity Deontic Modals.” 2014. In Cariani F., Grossi D., Meheus J., Parent X. (Eds): Deontic Logic and Normative Systems. Springer. 124-138.