Relational Normativity and Morality: Persons, Groups, Collectives (2023 - 2024)

Im Rahmen dieses Forschungsprojekt werden relationale Erklärungsversuche von Moralität untersucht. Das Projekt wird von der Alexander-von-Humboldt-Stiftung gefördert.

Abstract: Relational Normativity and Morality: Persons, Groups, Collectives

Relational accounts of morality explain it in terms of the normative elements that constitute and characterize appropriate relations between agents. The idea is that morality consists of respecting and fulfilling the obligations that arise from the legitimate demands and claims others make upon us. Unlike ethical theories that link morality to internal mental entities such as a person’s will, incentives, and motivational dispositions, relational accounts of morality seem easily to integrate structured group agents such as organizations and corporations into the moral domain.

The project aims to explore in more detail the prospects of a relational reading of morality, particularly with respect to individual and collective moral responsibility.


Titel des Projekts
Relational Normativity and Morality: Persons, Groups, Collectives
Link zum Projekt
01.11.2023 - 31.07.2024
Höhe der Bewilligung
ca. 65000€
Prof. Dr. Herlinde Pauer-Studer
Beteiligte Lehrstühle