22 Jul
26 Jul

Summer School for Widening Participation in Mathematical Philosophy


22. Juli 2024 - 26. Juli 2024


Leopoldstr. 12 House 2, 4th floor, room 2401 and 2402 80802 München

The Summer School for Widening Participation in Mathematical Philosophy is organised by the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy.

Following a series of eight successful MCMP-organized summer schools on mathematical philosophy for female students, the MCMP will this year broaden its offering, with a summer school for women and members of other groups that are under-represented in formal philosophy. These groups include under-represented gender identities, races and ethnicities, people with disabilities, people from low income and non-academic family backgrounds.

The school's aim is to encourage students to engage with mathematical and scientific approaches to philosophical problems, and thereby help to redress the under-representation of women and other marginalized groups in formal philosophy. It offers the opportunity for study in an informal and interdisciplinary setting, for lively debate, and for the development of a network of students and professors interested in the application of formal methods to philosophy.

You'll find further information about the application and the program on the Summer Schools website.