Staff directory

Chair of Philosophy and Decision Theory (Prof. Dr. Christian List)

View into the atrium of the LMU main buidling


Prof. Dr. Christian List

Chair of Philosophy and Decision Theory and Head of the MCMP


Dr. des. Bianca Scheeff

Research Associates

Dr. Ron Aboodi

Minerva Stiftung Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Dr. Vanessa Carr

Assistant Professor

Dr. Simon Graf

Postdoctoral Fellow

Mario Günther, PhD

Assistant Professor

Adrian Haret, PhD

Research associate

Dr. Sophie Kikkert

Research Associate

Dr. Toby C.P. Solomon

Research Associate

Doctoral Fellows

Wu Dawei, M.A.

Doctoral Fellow

Marina Moreno

Doctoral Fellow

Academic visitors

Nicolien Janssens

Visiting PhD candidate